ابحث في كوكل

فعل To be في جميع الازمنة

فعل الكينونة في الانجليزية

هذا الفعل او هذه الكلمة و التي تعني باللغة العربية "كان " أو فعل الكينونة تستعمل كثيرا في اللغة الانجليزية. في اللغة العربية نستعمل "كان"او تصريفها لتعبير عن ما حدت سابقا في الماضي و يكون في الحاضر. لكن في الحقيقة لاننطق او نكتب فعل" يكون او تصريفه" في الحاضر بل يبقى مختفي غير ظاهر . يكفي أن نقول مثلا " أحمد مريض" لفهم الجملة دون الحاجة الى إضافة فعل اخر مساعد كما هو الحال في اللغة الانجليزية.

و نظرا لاهمية هذا الفعل الى جانب بعض الافعال الاخرى المساعدة To have و Can و To do سنقوم بوضع شرح مفصل لهذا الفعل وكيفية استعماله مع الامثلة

  1. مثلا عندما تريد ان تقول أنا ذكي ستقول بالانجليزية I am smart او يمكن ان تقول اختصارا I'm smart
  2. و عندما تريد أن تقول أنا كنت ذكيا ستقول بالانجليزية I was smart
  3. أما عندما تريد أن تقول سأكون ذكيا ستقول بالانجليزية I will be smart

الأمثلة الثلاثة أعلاه تهم ضمير المتكلم " أنا" يمكن تطبيق نفس الطريقة مع الضمائر الاخرى حسب الجدول اسفله.

الحاضر Present 

  • I am

  • You/ We/ They  are

  • He/She/It 

الماضي Past

  • I/He/She?/It was

  • You/ We/They were


نضع will  be مع كل الضمائر

النفي باستعمال فعل To be

سأستعمل نفس الجمل السابقة لكن بصيغة النفي

  • انا لست ذكيا ( الحاضر)
  • انا لم أكن ذكيا ( الماضي)
  • أنا لن أكون ذكيا ( المستقبل)

في اللغة الانجليزية لنفي الكلام نقوم باضافة not كالتالي:

  • I am not smart (present)
  • I was not smart (past)
  • I will not be smart (future)

نفس الشيء ينطبق على الضمائر الاخرى لا داعي لذكرها لكن في اخر الدرس ستجد تمارين شاملة عن فعل الكينونة To be

السؤال باستعمال فعل To be

سنقوم هنا بطرح السؤال في الحاضر و الماضي و المستقبل و سنرى كيف نقول ذلك بالانجليزية باستعمال ضمير أنا و هي. ونفس الشيء ينطبق على باقي الضمائر.

  • هل أنا ذكي؟ هل كنت ذكي؟ هل سأكون ذكي؟
  • هل هي جميلة؟ هل كانت جميلة؟ هل ستكون جميلة؟
  • Am I smart? Was I smart? Will I be smart?
  • Is she beautiful? Was she beautiful? Will she be beautiful?

كتابة To be بشكل مختصر

اختصار الكلمات هو كتابة الكلمات بصيغة مختصرة يساعد الناطقين باللغة الانجليزية على اختصار الكلام و تسهيل نطق الكلمات و الجمل لكن في نفس الوقت يشكل عائقا بالنسبة للمتعلمين للغة الانجليزية. لذا يجب إبدال مجهود اكبر في فهم اختصار الكلمات بما في ذلك فعل الكينونة To be

مثال على ذلك I am تختصر هكذا I'm و He is not  تختصر هكذا He isn't. ستجد صفحة في هذا الموقع خاصة بكيفية إختصار الكلمات و الجمل.في الاسفل ستجد تصريف لفعل "كان To be " في جميع الازمنة في اللغة الانجليزية.

To be on Present Simple | تصريف فعل To Be في الحاضر

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am I am not Am I ?
You are You are not Are you ?
He/She/It is He/She/It is not Is he/she/it ?
We are We are not Are we ?
You are You are not Are you ?
They are They are not Are they ?



To be on Past Simple الماضي البسيط

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I was I was not Was I ?
You were You were not Were you ?
He/She/It was He/She/It was not Was he/she/it ?
We were We were not Were we ?
You were You were not Were you ?
They were They were not Were they ?


Future Simple المستقبل البسيط

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will be I will not be Will I be?
You will be You will not be Will you be?
He/She/It will be He/She/It will not be Will he/she/it be?
We will be We will not be Will we be?
You will be You will not be Will you be?
They will be They will not be Will they be?


Present Perfect Simple الحاضر التام البسيط

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have been I have not been Have I been?
You have been You have not been Have you been?
He/She/It has been He/She/It has not been Has he/she/it been?
We have been We have not been Have we been?
You have been You have not been Have you been?
They have been They have not been Have they been?

Past Perfect Simple الماضي التام البسيط

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I had been I had not been Had I been?
You had been You had not been Had you been?
He/She/It had been He/She/It had not been Had he/she/it been?
We had been We had not been Had we been?
You had been You had not been Had you been?
They had been They had not been Had they been?

Future Perfect المستقبل التام

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will have been I will not have been Will I have been?
You will have been You will not have been Will you have been?
He/She/It will have been He/She/It will not have been Will he/she/it have been?
We will have been We will not have been Will we have been?
You will have been You will not have been Will you have been?
They will have been They will not have been Will they have been?

Conditional الشرطي

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I would be I would not be Would I be?
You would be You would not be Would you be?
He/She/It would be He/She/It would not be Would he/she/it be?
We would be We would not be Would we be?
You would be You would not be Would you be?
They would be They would not be Would they be?

Conditional Perfect الشرطي التام

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I would have been I would not have been Would I have been?
You would have been You would not have been Would you have been?
He/She/It would have been He/She/It would not have been Would he/she/it have been?
We would have been We would not have been Would we have been?
You would have been You would not have been Would you have been?
They would have been They would not have been Would they have been?

اختبار في فعل Verb To Be

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اجب عن هذا السؤال لتاكد من ان ادخال البيانات يتم يدويا و ليس اتوماتيكا