فعل "To do " من الافعال المهمة و الاكثر استعمالا في الانجليزية لانها تلعب دور فعل مساعد او مكمل لافعال اخرى عند تصريفها كما نستعمله في طرح الاسئلة. مقابل هذا الفعل باللغة العربية هو فعل " فَعلَ " ماذا فعلت؟ و ماذا تفعل؟. الجدول أدناه ستجد تصريف هذا الفعل في مختلف الازمنة مع طريقة صياغة النفي و السؤال باستعمال فعل "To do ".
1. التعبير عن الأفعال المكتملة
فعل "to do" يُستخدم للتعبير عن الأفعال المكتملة، خاصة في صيغة الماضي باستخدام "did".
- مثال: I did my homework (أنا أنجزت واجبي).
- مثال للتأكيد: I did say that (لقد قلت ذلك بالفعل).
2. تكوين الأسئلة والإجابات القصيرة
يُستخدم "do" و"does" لتكوين الأسئلة في الزمن الحاضر، بينما يُستخدم "did" للأسئلة في الماضي.
- مثال: Do you like pizza? (هل تحب البيتزا؟)
- إجابات قصيرة: Yes, I do (نعم، أحبها). / No, I don't (لا، لا أحبها).
3. النفي
يمكن استخدام فعل "to do" لتكوين جمل منفية في جميع الأزمنة.
- الحاضر: He doesn't like pizza (هو لا يحب البيتزا).
- الماضي: She didn't go to school yesterday (هي لم تذهب إلى المدرسة أمس).
4. التأكيد
يُستخدم "to do" أيضاً للتأكيد على الفعل الأساسي في الجملة.
- مثال: I do like coffee (أنا حقاً أحب القهوة).
- مثال: He does care about his work (هو يهتم حقاً بعمله).
Present Simple : Do and Does
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I do. | I do not do. | Do I do? |
You do. | You do not do. | Do you do? |
He/She/It does. | He/She/It does not do. | Does he/she/it do? |
We do. | We do not do. | Do we do? |
You do. | You do not do. | Do you do? |
They do. | They do not do. | Do they do? |
Present Simple Continuous: To be in present + doing
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I am doing. | I am not doing. | Am I doing? |
You are doing. | You are not doing. | Are you doing? |
He/She/It is doing. | He/She/It is not doing. | Is he/she/it doing? |
We are doing. | We are not doing. | Are we doing? |
You are doing. | You are not doing. | Are you doing? |
They are doing. | They are not doing. | Are they doing? |
Past Simple: S+Did
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I did. | I did not do. | Did I do? |
You did. | You did not do. | Did you do? |
He/She/It did. | He/She/It did not do. | Did he/she/it do? |
We did. | We did not do. | Did we do? |
You did. | You did not do. | Did you do? |
They did. | They did not do. | Did they do? |
Past Continuous: S+To be in past+ doing
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I was doing. | I was not doing. | Was I doing? |
You were doing. | You were not doing. | Were you doing? |
He/She/It was doing. | He/She/It was not doing. | Was he/she/it doing? |
We were doing. | We were not doing. | Were we doing? |
You were doing. | You were not doing. | Were you doing? |
They were doing. | They were not doing. | Were they doing? |
Future Simple: S+wil do
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I will do. | I will not do. | Will I do? |
You will do. | You will not do. | Will you do? |
He/She/It will do. | He/She/It will not do. | Will he/she/it do? |
We will do. | We will not do. | Will we do? |
You will do. | You will not do. | Will you do? |
They will do. | They will not do. | Will they do? |
Present Perfect Simple: S+To have in present+ done
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I have done. | I have not done. | Have I done? |
You have done. | You have not done. | Have you done? |
He/She/It has done. | He/She/It has not done. | Has he/she/it done? |
We have done. | We have not done. | Have we done? |
You have done. | You have not done. | Have you done? |
They have done. | They have not done. | Have they done? |
Present Perfect Continuous:
S+To have in present+ been+doing
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I have been doing. | I have not been doing. | Have I been doing? |
You have been doing. | You have not been doing. | Have you been doing? |
He/She/It has been doing. | He/She/It has not been doing. | Has he/she/it been doing? |
We have been doing. | We have not been doing. | Have we been doing? |
You have been doing. | You have not been doing. | Have you been doing? |
They have been doing. | They have not been doing. | Have they been doing? |
Past Perfect Simple: S+To have in past simple +done
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I had done. | I had not done. | Had I done? |
You had done. | You had not done. | Had you done? |
He/She/It had done. | He/She/It had not done. | Had he/she/it done? |
We had done. | We had not done. | Had we done? |
You had done. | You had not done. | Had you done? |
They had done. | They had not done. | Had they done? |
Past Perfect Continuous:
S+verb to have in past simple +been+ doing
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I had been doing. | I had not been doing. | Had I been doing? |
You had been doing. | You had not been doing. | Had you been doing? |
He/She/It had been doing. | He/She/It had not been doing. | Had he/she/it been doing? |
We had been doing. | We had not been doing. | Had we been doing? |
You had been doing. | You had not been doing. | Had you been doing? |
They had been doing. | They had not been doing. | Had they been doing? |
Future Perfect:S+will+have+ done
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I will have done. | I will not have done. | Will I have done? |
You will have done. | You will not have done. | Will you have done? |
He/She/It will have done. | He/She/It will not have done. | Will he/she/it have done? |
We will have done. | We will not have done. | Will we have done? |
You will have done. | You will not have done. | Will you have done? |
They will have done. | They will not have done. | Will they have done? |
إضافة تعليق جديد