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فعل To do في كل الأزمنة

فعل يفعل بالانجليزية

فعل "To do " من الافعال المهمة و الاكثر استعمالا في الانجليزية لانها تلعب دور فعل مساعد او مكمل لافعال اخرى عند تصريفها كما نستعمله في طرح الاسئلة. مقابل هذا الفعل باللغة العربية هو فعل " فَعلَ " ماذا فعلت؟ و ماذا تفعل؟. الجدول أدناه ستجد تصريف هذا الفعل في مختلف الازمنة مع طريقة صياغة النفي و السؤال باستعمال فعل "To do ".

1. التعبير عن الأفعال المكتملة

فعل "to do" يُستخدم للتعبير عن الأفعال المكتملة، خاصة في صيغة الماضي باستخدام "did".

  • مثال: I did my homework (أنا أنجزت واجبي).
  • مثال للتأكيد: I did say that (لقد قلت ذلك بالفعل).

2. تكوين الأسئلة والإجابات القصيرة

يُستخدم "do" و"does" لتكوين الأسئلة في الزمن الحاضر، بينما يُستخدم "did" للأسئلة في الماضي.

  • مثال: Do you like pizza? (هل تحب البيتزا؟)
  • إجابات قصيرة: Yes, I do (نعم، أحبها). / No, I don't (لا، لا أحبها).

3. النفي

يمكن استخدام فعل "to do" لتكوين جمل منفية في جميع الأزمنة.

  • الحاضر: He doesn't like pizza (هو لا يحب البيتزا).
  • الماضي: She didn't go to school yesterday (هي لم تذهب إلى المدرسة أمس).

4. التأكيد

يُستخدم "to do" أيضاً للتأكيد على الفعل الأساسي في الجملة.

  • مثال: I do like coffee (أنا حقاً أحب القهوة).
  • مثال: He does care about his work (هو يهتم حقاً بعمله).


Present Simple : Do and Does

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I do. I do not do. Do I do?
You do. You do not do. Do you do?
He/She/It does. He/She/It does not do. Does he/she/it do?
We do. We do not do. Do we do?
You do. You do not do. Do you do?
They do. They do not do. Do they do?

Present Simple Continuous: To be in present + doing 

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am doing. I am not doing. Am I doing?
You are doing. You are not doing. Are you doing?
He/She/It is doing. He/She/It is not doing. Is he/she/it doing?
We are doing. We are not doing. Are we doing?
You are doing. You are not doing. Are you doing?
They are doing. They are not doing. Are they doing?

Past Simple: S+Did 

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I did. I did not do. Did I do?
You did. You did not do. Did you do?
He/She/It did. He/She/It did not do. Did he/she/it do?
We did. We did not do. Did we do?
You did. You did not do. Did you do?
They did. They did not do. Did they do?

Past Continuous: S+To be in past+ doing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I was doing. I was not doing. Was I doing?
You were doing. You were not doing. Were you doing?
He/She/It was doing. He/She/It was not doing. Was he/she/it doing?
We were doing. We were not doing. Were we doing?
You were doing. You were not doing. Were you doing?
They were doing. They were not doing. Were they doing?

Future Simple: S+wil do

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will do. I will not do. Will I do?
You will do. You will not do. Will you do?
He/She/It will do. He/She/It will not do. Will he/she/it do?
We will do. We will not do. Will we do?
You will do. You will not do. Will you do?
They will do. They will not do. Will they do?

Present Perfect Simple: S+To have in present+ done

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have done. I have not done. Have I done?
You have done. You have not done. Have you done?
He/She/It has done. He/She/It has not done. Has he/she/it done?
We have done. We have not done. Have we done?
You have done. You have not done. Have you done?
They have done. They have not done. Have they done?

Present Perfect Continuous:

S+To have in present+ been+doing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have been doing. I have not been doing. Have I been doing?
You have been doing. You have not been doing. Have you been doing?
He/She/It has been doing. He/She/It has not been doing. Has he/she/it been doing?
We have been doing. We have not been doing. Have we been doing?
You have been doing. You have not been doing. Have you been doing?
They have been doing. They have not been doing. Have they been doing?

Past Perfect Simple: S+To have in past simple +done

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I had done. I had not done. Had I done?
You had done. You had not done. Had you done?
He/She/It had done. He/She/It had not done. Had he/she/it done?
We had done. We had not done. Had we done?
You had done. You had not done. Had you done?
They had done. They had not done. Had they done?

Past Perfect Continuous:

S+verb to have in past simple +been+ doing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I had been doing. I had not been doing. Had I been doing?
You had been doing. You had not been doing. Had you been doing?
He/She/It had been doing. He/She/It had not been doing. Had he/she/it been doing?
We had been doing. We had not been doing. Had we been doing?
You had been doing. You had not been doing. Had you been doing?
They had been doing. They had not been doing. Had they been doing?

Future Perfect:S+will+have+ done

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will have done. I will not have done. Will I have done?
You will have done. You will not have done. Will you have done?
He/She/It will have done. He/She/It will not have done. Will he/she/it have done?
We will have done. We will not have done. Will we have done?
You will have done. You will not have done. Will you have done?
They will have done. They will not have done. Will they have done?


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